PWG COVID vaccine update 10-26-21

Pfizer’s COVID vaccine is very close to getting emergency use authorization for children 5 to 11 years old, today the FDA’s advisory committee endorsed the vaccine. The CDC’s vaccine advisory committee meets next week to clarify recommendations, and once that occurs we anticipate the federal government to start releasing the vaccine the following week.
The vaccine formulation is different from what has been used for adults and teens – WE CANNOT USE THE CURRENT VACCINES FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN, we need to wait for the “new” vaccines to be delivered. The pediatric formulation is preservative free.
We’ve been administering the COVID vaccine to eligible patients in our practice since May of 2021, and we are actively planning strategies to get this vaccine distributed as quickly and as efficiently as we can to our younger patients once it gets approved.
What you need to know:
  • The fastest way to communicate with us will be through UCSF’s MyChart patient portal. If you are not signed up yet please go to and follow the instructions.
  • We have already placed our COVID vaccine pre-order with San Mateo County’s Health Department and it has been approved, we are waiting for a shipment date.
  • COVID vaccines will be shipped out in multiple phases, we should have enough COVID vaccine for everyone who wants it
  • we do not have any information on when the vaccine will be available for children younger than 5 years of age
This is an exciting time, we are proud to do our part to keep our patients, families and community safe. We will be posting more updates as information becomes available.

Our PWG family just got bigger!

We are pleased to announce the birth of Dr. Megan Pesyna’s newborn boy, Mack! Both Dr. Megan and Mack are doing well and settling at home. She will be on maternity leave until January 2022, and our team of physicians is here to make sure everyone is taken care of while Dr. Pesyna is out of the office. Please join us in sending all good wishes for health and joy to Baby Mack and his parents. CONGRATULATIONS!

Flu vaccines are here!

We are using an appointment-based system in order to safely deliver flu vaccines to our patients. If you have signed up for MyChart access with UCSF that will be the easiest way to get an appointment…if you don’t have MyChart access just go to for instructions on how to sign up. Our flu shot clinics start next week, here are some important details:

  • Flu vaccine clinic will be held in a pop-up tent in our parking lot
  • There can be 1 adult with each child
  • Everyone over the age of 2 years will need to wear a mask
  • We cannot accommodate walk-ins at this time
  • You can make an appointment for a flu vaccine by: 1) calling the office 2) sending in an appointment request using UCSF’s MyChart patient portal or 3) use the self-schedule feature on UCSF’s MyChart to set up a flu vaccine appointment online
  • This flu vaccine clinic is ONLY for the flu vaccine and ONLY for established PWG patients

Thank you for keeping your child, family and community safe this flu season! Team PWG… your vaccine dream team 😀                                                                                             

California is reopening today

It is official, effective today the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced the state will advance beyond the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, allowing businesses to return to normal operations with “common-sense risk reduction measures.” Individual counties are still allowed to enact local mandates, and the health care sector is still required to follow more stringent infection control guidelines. What does this mean for you?

  • Everyone over the age of 2 years is still required to wear a mask while in the office
  • We are no longer checking temperatures prior to entering our office
  • There can be more than 1 parent at a visit IF you have proof of complete COVID vaccination status. We will need to see your COVID vaccine card to confirm
  • You do not need to check in from your car, you can come into the office

It has been quite a year, and we are grateful to our families for their patience as we navigated all the nuances of this pandemic.  Team PWG implemented multiple safety measures as we remained open to serve our families and our community during this entire pandemic.  We know it is not “over”, but thanks to all your efforts we are in a much better place today.  Stay healthy, stay safe, and stay kind to one another as we enter this next phase.

COVID update 5/23/21

It has been a while since the last update, and there have been many exciting developments recently. The FDA approved Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents 12 and up, and we are proud to have played a small part in vaccinating some of 600,000 US adolescents  that received this vaccine last week. There are also lots of updates about what is and is not recommended once you have gotten the vaccine. Here are some key items:

  • Summer camp can be a safe activity if they follow health and safety guidelines such as wearing masks, hand hygiene and physical distancing
  • The AAP has published a fantastic article about the science behind the COVID-19 vaccine, feel free to read and share
  • Your child is considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after the second dose of the vaccine
  • Pfizer has announced plans to request EUA approval for COVID-19 vaccine for ages 2-11 in September
  • Experts still recommend that unvaccinated children 2 and up wear a mask when around people outside their immediate household

We have plenty of COVID-19 vaccine appointments so please call or send us a MyChart message to set up an appointment.  Team PWG wants to help make this a safe and happy summer for all our families!



Pediatric Wellness Group Logo

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is officially approved for emergency use in adolescents aged 12 and up, we have been hard at work to make this vaccine available to all our patient who now qualify based on their age. We will be vaccinating our adolescent patients starting 5/17/21.


  • We will only have the Pfizer vaccine
  • The vaccine will be the same dose and same dosing schedule currently used in people 16 and up: 2 doses given 3 weeks apart
  • This is only for current active patients at PWG
  • Appointments are required, we cannot accommodate walk-ins
  • Vaccine will be given outside in our parking lot in the same green tent that we used for flu vaccine clinics last fall
  • You can go directly to the green tent when you come for your vaccine appointment
  • A custodial parent will need to be present during vaccine appointments for all patients 12 to 17 years of age
  • Parents: you will need to bring your photo ID and a copy of your child’s most current insurance card

How can you make an appointment for your child to get the COVID vaccine at PWG?

  • The fastest way to make an appointment is to send us a message through MyChart
  • If you have not already signed on to MyChart you can go to and follow the instructions. Their 24/7 customer service phone number is (415) 514-6000
  • You can also call us at (650) 216-7794, feel free to leave a message as we are expecting high call volumes.

If your child is eligible for the vaccine, has a well visit coming up, and you would like them to get the COVID vaccine during that visit:

  • Send us a MyChart message or call our office and let us know before the visit
  • A custodial parent will need to be present during that appointment for all patients 12 to 17 years of age
  • Parents: you will need to bring your photo ID and a copy of your child’s most current insurance card
  • We will give any additional instructions on the day of the visit

Thank you for your patience during this process.

Thank you for keeping your child, your family, and your community safe!


We are so grateful to receive COVID vaccines, everyone on our staff has gotten the first dose with no issues at all. We are committed to keeping everyone safe, and getting vaccinated will help us do that. We want you to know we are working hard to become a COVID vaccine distribution site…we’ll let you know as soon as we know when that happens. Please continue to stay safe by wearing your mask, washing your hands and practicing social distancing.

COVID update 12-7-20

It has been a while since we had a COVID specific update, unfortunately California is experiencing a surge and that means this holiday season will continue to look and feel a little different. We remain open and ready to serve our community of families. We have implemented multiple safety measures to help reduce the threat of infection. We still have flu vaccine available, and we are offering COVID screening appointments as well. Feel free to call or send us a message via MyChart.

Some key points:

  • The CDC has published guidelines for shorter quarantine periods. From the CDC website:
    • Quarantine can end after Day 10 without testing and if no symptoms have been reported during daily monitoring.
      • With this strategy, residual post-quarantine transmission risk is estimated to be about 1% with an upper limit of about 10%.
    • Quarantine can end after Day 10 without testing and if no symptoms have been reported during daily monitoring.
      • With this strategy, residual post-quarantine transmission risk is estimated to be about 1% with an upper limit of about 10%.
    • In both cases, additional criteria (e.g., continued symptom monitoring and masking through Day 14) must be met and are outlined in the full text.
  • The CDC also recommends universal mask wearing:
    • masks should be worn for all indoor activity outside of an individual’s home, as well as during all outdoor activity when at least 6 feet of social distancing cannot be maintained.
    • wear masks in your own household if someone living there has tested positive for the virus or has potentially been exposed
  • San Mateo County has not issued a new stay-at-home order yet, but Santa Clara and San Francisco have.
  • There are reports of a vaccine coming soon, we do not have any details yet but will share them as soon as we have them.

This pandemic is not over yet, but we have some tools to fight it: wear a mask, wash your hands, maintain social distancing.  We are bigger than this, we can and will get through this crisis together, one day at a time.