Yearly Archives: 2022

Update on COVID vaccine options

There is a new bivalent booster that has been approved and we are getting a lot of questions about all the different COVID vaccine options out there.  We prepared this guide to try and help you in making your decisions, this applies to people who are immunocompetent [meaning they don’t have an underlying medical condition that impacts their immune system]. … Continue reading

Team PWG will be giving COVID vaccines to our younger patients

We are actively preparing to give COVID vaccines to our young patients between 6 months – 4 years and 364 days of age as soon as it receives full approval from all regulatory agencies. We anticipate a high volume of calls and messages and ask you to be patient with us while we work hard to take care of everyone’s request for an appointment.  Continue reading

Please read if you have an appointment at PWG coming up

 We are in the middle of a COVID surge right now, and we’ve seen and heard from many of you who are currently recovering from COVID. In the interest of keeping everyone safe please reschedule your child’s appointment at PWG for any type of visit until:

* it has been 10 days since COVID symptoms started OR you/your child had a positive COVID test


* you or your child’s symptoms are getting better


* you or your child have no fever for >24 hours without Tylenol or Motrin/Advil.Continue reading